
LoveKelly, born Kelly Butts-Spirito, is making waves across New York City as a pioneering video director, designer, and event curator with grand ambitions. Envisioning his brand's expansion to hosting Vermont's premier independent Hip Hop festival and directing groundbreaking music videos and films, Kelly's creative journey is deeply influenced by a diverse range of icons, from Quentin Tarantino to Dave Free. These influences have shaped a unique artistic vision that seamlessly bridges the worlds of video production and fashion design.

In his music video direction, Kelly skillfully blends artists' musical identities with his distinct visual storytelling, a process that has seen him collaborate with the likes of Lil Tjay and U2. His foray into clothing design emerged naturally from his video work, fueled by a passion for creative expression that transcends mediums. Interning at VFILES propelled him into the fashion industry, where he's since aimed to connect more personally with his audience through wearable art. His debut at New York Fashion Week was not only a personal achievement but a narrative experience, intertwining his life's chapters with his fashion creations, overcoming doubts to cement his place in the fashion world.

Kelly's dedication to music event organization reflects his dual love for music and community building. He curates events that not only showcase his artistic vision but also foster a welcoming atmosphere for diverse audiences. Drawing from his small-town Vermont roots, he approaches the entertainment industry with gratitude and an insatiable hunger for more opportunities, embodying a work ethic and drive shaped by his unique upbringing.

Collaboration lies at the heart of his projects, where he seeks partners who bring inspiration and a fresh perspective. Despite the challenges of self-doubt, Kelly leans into fear, using it as a catalyst for growth and creative exploration. His forward-looking projects, including a short film and an upcoming fashion line, highlight his continuous evolution as an artist.

To aspiring creatives, Kelly offers sage advice: trust in oneself and embrace patience. His career is a testament to the power of perseverance, experimentation, and self-belief, serving as a beacon for those aspiring to make their mark in videography, fashion design, and music event organization.


Ambient Studio

